Forward SMS

How to set up Basic Rule

By Forward SMS Team ·
3 min read
Set up basic rule for android app

Forward SMS is a versatile Android app that seamlessly forwards SMS to phone numbers, emails, URLs/APIs, or Telegram. It also forwards phone notifications like missed calls, shutdown/turn-on events, and low battery alerts. Additionally, it offers auto and remote replies for efficient message management.

  1. Tap on the Add Rule button within the application to initiate the rule creation process.
    tap on add rule to create a rule
  2. From the available options, select Basic Rule to set up a straightforward rule for SMS forwarding.
    tap on basic rule to create a rule
  3. Enter the phone number to which you want the SMS messages to be forwarded.
    enter phone number where SMS needs to be forwarded
  4. Besides a phone number, you can also forward SMS messages to an email address, Telegram account, or a URL endpoint for versatile forwarding options.
    other options to forward SMS
  5. Optional Items:

    Following are the options that can be configured based on need although are not required to set up a rule:

    • Forward RCS: You can enable RCS forwarding if you wish to include Rich Communication Services (RCS) messages in the forwarding process.
    • Filter Sender: In the Sender field, you have the flexibility to keep it blank to allow forwarding of all SMS messages. Alternatively, you can enter a specific phone number or contact name based on which the contact should either match or should not match for forwarding.
    • Rule Name: You can change the name as per your preference
  6. Once you have configured the rule as per your requirements, tap on the Save button to save the basic rule settings.
  7. After saving the rule, it's recommended to test its functionality by selecting the option. This allows you to verify that the rule is correctly set up and functioning as intended, ensuring that SMS messages are forwarded according to your specified criteria.
    test your created rule

By following these steps, you can efficiently create and customize a basic rule within the Forward SMS application for seamless SMS forwarding and management based on your specific requirements. Enjoy the convenience of automated rule-based SMS forwarding!

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